Sunday Brunch

Alexander's eating his first child's plate while having Sunday Brunch with Uncle James, mommy, and daddy at Cheesecake Factory! He's very well-behaved enjoying his banana.


as Dina mentioned the other day (ok, it's been a week or something, but whatever), the boy has started eating solid food. as you can see from above, i've got the setup for creating the perfect baby food. from left to right you can see sweet potatoes about to get blended in the magic bullet (yeah, it actually does work!); finished sweet potatoes, carrots in their final state and inside the steamer, apples.

it takes a bit of extra time i suppose, although no more then it would to go to the store and buy the same amount in baby food jars, but it's cost effective and we know exactly what the boy is getting.

which, by the way, is everything - so far he eats like a champ!