half way-ish.

We're just over half way now - that is 21 weeks or so - and had our appointment yesterday. Olive's heartbeat is strong and fast as it should be, but she made the doctor work for it as she seemingly bounced around the whole time. All is great and quiet. Just like we like!

it's a ...

Here we go again! Today we had our 5 month ultrasound for Olive. We had the same doctor as when we did this with Alexander (née Blueberry) and she was all business again. Seriously, if you're looking for an awesome perinatal diagnostic office, we couldn't recommend this doctor more. She's great. The doctor did the normal prodding and moving of the transducer to get the images we were dying to see and take all the measurements we wanted to know were good. In this case everything about Olive came out perfectly: weight was healthy at 13 ounces (same as her big brother!), head and brain big and smart like we expect, heart pumping strong, spinal cord good, hands, feet and limbs all where they should be and looking good. Olive was photogenic and active giving us great views and showing us her emerging gymnastics mastery.

Then we got this image.


Alexander was right! He's been telling us for a few days now that it would be a girl. And like last time the doctor was very confident this was for sure.

Proud parents of a girl to be went and celebrated after with some fancy pastries... not as manly as last time, but every bit as yummy!

Busy Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend

We are so incredibly thankful for the gift of Alexander, who brings us joy and laughter everyday and makes us want to strive to be better (parents, spouses, persons). We are also thankful for the wonderfully supportive and loving family and friends we have. Here are a couple of captured memories from this past weekend. The Wednesday night before Thanksgiving we went to Disneyland, the. Thanksgiving AM, Daddy and AAA baked an apple pie, and Friday he helped Daddy string the outside lights. Saturday we went looking for (and found!!) a tree and finished decorating the house. Sunday we celebrated Alexander's 3rd birthday! (That's a different post.)









Last Time with Mystic

Today was the last time the kids got to visit/ ride Mystic because she'll soon be returning to her owners. Alexander had a wonderful time (as always) brushing her, riding her and feeding her grass. He got to ride her 3 times and even trotted! We'll sure miss Mystic and look forward to future opportunities to meet/ride other ponies/ horses.


