Turkey Trot-a-Thon!

Dear Friends and Family,  I am participating in Cielo Vista's Turkey Trot-a-Thon! It's my school's biggest fundraiser of the year.  

I have my own webpage to help me collect donations. All you have to do is click on the green "Make A Donation" button on the right side or bottom of my page (follow the turkey)!   

I pledge to walk, jog, run, or maybe even TROT, around the designated course for the allotted 15 minutes. Will you pledge your support to me and my school? With your help, we can meet our goal to raise $15,000 to fund our Meet The Masters Program, Family Fun Nights, School Assemblies, Classroom Supplies and more!

Please pledge on or before Thursday, October 29, 2015. 

Thank you for your donation. I really appreciate your support!




Today was a special day.  A milestone for all 4 of us. We went to our local public elementary school and began the process of enrolling Alexander in kindergarten by attending the "round-up" - a short presentation of what the school has to offer and a tour. After watching the PTA video highlights of the activities and special events the school does and visiting each kindergarten classroom, Alex said it looked like a lot fun and seemed excited. However, he was also relieved when we told him that we still had lots of days of preschool left. Of course, I was also reminding myself of the same as I was telling him (and feeling in myself a longing for the innocence, purity, and comfort of preschool).  We, as parents, are growing along with our Blueberry and Olive. 

thanks-giving has arrived!

Hard to believe Halloween was already 10 days ago! At LPPP, Teachers Barbara and Jackie do their best to keep the month of November true to its origins and teach Alex about "The First People" (People of the Plains, Desert, and Forest) and about giving "thanks." This is the Thankful banner Alex made at school last week. Thanks to you, Alex!


Promotion Day

Today was promotion day for Alexander's class at preschool. It was a happy sad day for everyone over the age of 5. Their teacher says a little bit about each child, returning or not, and this is what she said about Alexander.