
Tday Sophia expanded her vocabulary by repeating different words that Grandma practiced with her. It was exciting to hear her say "bubbles," "beep beep" (for the Wheels on the Bus song, her current fave), and "knife." She's been a pro at saying "bye bye" for a couple weeks and is improving her "no." It's also wonderful to hear her start making lots of different sounds - especially the "l" sound, which she uses when trying to say her brother's name (imagine "ala").  It's pretty magical helping her learn to talk. 


Today was a special day.  A milestone for all 4 of us. We went to our local public elementary school and began the process of enrolling Alexander in kindergarten by attending the "round-up" - a short presentation of what the school has to offer and a tour. After watching the PTA video highlights of the activities and special events the school does and visiting each kindergarten classroom, Alex said it looked like a lot fun and seemed excited. However, he was also relieved when we told him that we still had lots of days of preschool left. Of course, I was also reminding myself of the same as I was telling him (and feeling in myself a longing for the innocence, purity, and comfort of preschool).  We, as parents, are growing along with our Blueberry and Olive. 

new do!

Mommy finally made the appointment for Sophia's first haircut this past weekend. She was the cutest "model" client (in our humble opinion).




cookie time!

last night was Sophia's first time baking with mommy and Alex. we made the classic chocolate chip cookies and had a wonderful time. Here, Alex let me know "I can do it, mommy." (a very common phrase of his nowadays)


Sophia was curious about the mixer



here's mommy's first attempt (ever) at homemade teething cookies (banana-vanilla flavor). they smell delicious and even taste pretty good (for having no butter or sugar)! hopefully Sophia will enjoy them.!
