my pad
no touchscreen?
the largest river in the world
some of you (all three of you) may have seen an widget appear and disappear in the post section the other week as I played with the programming. having finally figured out what was wrong (as is typical, it was me) the widget now lives where it should be, in the right side column. under the media links.
the widget contains stuff on Alexander's wish list and while it'd be awesome if he got everything off of it, what would be even cooler is if you used the widget as your window into
. assuming i've got the links on the page correctly, they'll take you as well.
why the special link? if you're gonna buy something at anyway, why not help us get a little bit from it? every purchase you make using our associate link nets us a tiny percentage of the purchase. add that up enough times and we're talking about a good deal on diapers - no more napkins Alexander! you don't pay more, or get penalized in any way, but
recognizes that we as associates, proselytized you into
obviously this isn't a huge deal - I don't expect that we'll be turning around and purchasing a new tv or something from all the dough rolling into our account. but a few extra bucks now and again would be pretty cool when we're talking about offsetting Alexander's expenses.
and check out this great deal on a PS3:
Taking a bite out of technology . . .
monitor this!
those of you who know me well, know i've got a bit of a technolust problem. thankfully budgetary concerns keep me from acquiring every thing i want (although the PS3 is still on the target baby registry. for alex. really!) so when i saw some of the baby monitors out there, i was quite disappointed. i mentioned that i'd be setting up video monitoring myself, and that's worked great. but for some things i need monitoring as i move around the house. so i found this:
at first i was dubious. sure, it was expensive. but it had a ton of features, including DECT - a digital technology to help with interference and sound quality. but it was expensive. could it really be better then a cheap $30 monitor? everyone complained about the cheap ones audio quality and some didn't seem to work - choosing on their own to break the connection between monitor and base and then emit ear piercing sounds at 1am or just passing static the whole time.
i held off. we have a small place and i knew for a while we wouldn't need one as the boy would be with one of most of the time. but he's bigger now, sleeping more regularly and i'm getting busy with work. so i pulled the trigger and bought it. trusting that the glowing reviews would be rewarded.
man am i happy with this thing. small, convenient and efficient - it does everything i expected and more and better.
wanna not here the actual sounds in the baby's room until they get to a certain volume? no problem. want to turn the microphone sensitivity in the room down so it doesn't always transmit the white noise? done. want to talk to the baby from anywhere? sure thing. how about the temperature in the room? and while you're at it, give me an alarm if it gets too warm or too cold. easy. oh, and that DECT stuff. audio quality is CRYSTAL clear and sensitivity is amazing. and i have a ton of EM emissions in this house (not counting the wireless phones, cell phones and microwave, we've got 4 wireless access points broadcasting across all three 802.11 standards).
it works great. better then i expected. love it when a purchase like this works out!
my only regret? i didn't get this guy:
i'll put the $60 towards a PS3.