37 4/7

Had our weekly checkup. We're headed in the right direction, which is to say Olive is since she's moved her head down but not all way. The doctor took a look today and while she's made progress, it looks like we're still a bit away. Or more. Like anyone actually knows. However, we've made it clear that we'd prefer next week over this weekend.

We made the same request of Alexander and we all remember how that turned out.

no sleep till brooklyn, er mission hospital

last night was the first really rough night. after having minor, erratic contractions earlier in the evening, we were awakened around 1:30 am to an ongoing barage of somewhat random and short contractions until around 6 am. based on everything we know at this point we're on track and with this being the 37th week, this is probably to be expected. but man am I tired.

we have a drs appointment this morning anyway so we'll do that and then who knows. blueberry may be crashing thanksgiving, as Lawrence suggested.