
Disneyland 2013

Today was Sophia's 1st visit to the land of The Mouse. We didn't tell Alexander where we were going, just that it was somewhere special. He was so excited to get on It's A Small World and the Teacups. Sophia had her first ride on the Carousel and we all enjoyed the Holiday Parade. Alexander even got to see it snow! Thank you to Manoj & Andrea for making the day possible!





happy six months!

IMG_7576 Already! Feels like the fastest six months ever!

While we're more busy than ever, the last six months have been a blur of happiness and joy. And it's gone by fast. Much like the morning she was born, actually.

But the six months since have been wonderful watching her grow and change. She's accomplishing all the things her brother did before, but we still find it amazing and awesome to experience.

She's rolling like crazy; if there were a professional sport for rolling, she might just win it. Sitting and playing with her toys and grabbing everything she can get her hands on; mostly to put in her mouth. Constantly wiggling around to see what's going on and engaging people with her flirty ways, charming everyone with her big smile (she's a huge hit at Alexander's preschool). And she's got her own special relationship with Alexander - giggling and laughing together over any silly things he does or says.

While we haven't traveled quite as much with her as we did with Alexander (we've been a bit busier after all), she's still managed to visit Arizona, various cities in California and had a delightful tour of her future alma matter, the University of California, where she'll be accepted 4 years after her brother; and had her first Zachary's as well (gotta start them early!).

While our lives are far busier than I think we expected, and our little house is more crowded than ever, there's absolutely nothing either of us would change about this beautiful, happy little girl.

The adventure has only gotten better.

Sophia's First Cal Trip

Sophia's first trip to the Bay Area was marked by several memorable moments with Alexander, mommy, daddy, Grandma & Grandpa - first there was Zazie on Cole Street, a wonderful breakfast recommendation from Shokooh, where we enjoyed the gingerbread pancake with lemon curd and Bosc pear


20131006-175415.jpg later, we spent the day down at Embarcadero - went to Pier 39, saw the sea lions, stopped at Boudin and then walked down to Ghiradelli Square for mommy's favorite hot fudge sundae

20131006-175712.jpg the next day was Game Day, when Alex met Oski and directed the Cal Band!!


20131006-180233.jpg Sophia was exhausted by the end of the weekend with all of the excitement. We had a wonderful time with Grandma & Grandpa - thank you for joining us on Sophia's first trip to Cal!
