So today we had our 5 month full body scan (the baby’s body, not Dina’s). Last night Dina remarked that she was nervous, and anxious, in a Christmas kind of way - excitedly waiting to find out!
But first, something had to go horribly wrong. A whole circuit in the kitchen decided now was a good time to stop working and consequently, our refrigerator turned off. Thinking quickly, Philip unplugged everything (there was a most awesome sizzling sound coming from the panel, the kind that screams danger is imminent) and left to go pick up Dina and head to the doctor’s office.
The picture above is Dina waiting patiently while we stared at the cool technology around us and pondered why they would even put a Dell inside a medical office. I mean it didn’t even get used (like you’d expect anything else from a Dell).
The doctor came in and quickly got to work. All business and techie (in a medical way) the doctor didn’t quite exude personality, but she clearly knew what she was doing. Waving the magic wand (transducer, the technical term, she told us) we started seeing Blueberry for real.

Of course the kid looked good. I mean who doesn’t look good when rendered in ultrasonic waves?
The doctor preceded to poke, push and move the “transducer” around Dina’s belly, showing us different parts of the baby and Blueberry’s weight (a healthy 13 ounces); here’s the head, there’s the brain (big and smart!), here’s the heart (it was pumping correctly), there’s the spinal cord, all the hands, feet and limbs are in their places (and moving again!) and finally there’s this shot:
(arrow added by the doctor for quick identification)
It’s a boy!
So now we now know. Definitely, the doctor added (we think she actually said 100%)! Four months from now we’ll greet our new baby boy. Pretty darn exciting.
And in case your wondering, Dad swapped the circuit breaker in the panel and the refrigerator and all outlets are working again. He’s feeling especially manly right about now. So we’re going to go and kill us some meat or something (is there a tofu animal?).
today we had our 5 month full body scan (the baby’s body, not Dina’s). Last night Dina remarked that she was nervous, and anxious, in a Christmas kind of way - excitedly waiting to find out!
But first, something had to go horribly wrong. A whole circuit in the kitchen decided now was a good time to stop working and consequently, our refrigerator turned off. Thinking quickly, Philip unplugged everything (there was a most awesome sizzling sound coming from the panel, the kind that screams danger is imminent) and left to go pick up Dina and head to the doctor’s office.
The picture above is Dina waiting patiently while we stared at the cool technology around us and pondered why they would even put a Dell inside a medical office. I mean it didn’t even get used (like you’d expect anything else from a Dell).
The doctor came in and quickly got to work. All business and techie (in a medical way) the doctor didn’t quite exude personality, but she clearly knew what she was doing. Waving the magic wand (transducer, the technical term, she told us) we started seeing Blueberry for real.