just your average morning...
Atelier Ariza
biddy soccer
coffee date
it's all about the technique
I Love You Card
tea party
Tday Sophia expanded her vocabulary by repeating different words that Grandma practiced with her. It was exciting to hear her say "bubbles," "beep beep" (for the Wheels on the Bus song, her current fave), and "knife." She's been a pro at saying "bye bye" for a couple weeks and is improving her "no." It's also wonderful to hear her start making lots of different sounds - especially the "l" sound, which she uses when trying to say her brother's name (imagine "ala"). It's pretty magical helping her learn to talk.
too much!
the eggs
some serious art was happening here.
big brother
veggie boxes
today, daddy and grandpa made the boxes for our veggie garden and Alex and Sophia helped mix in the compost.
putting some flowers we got from our friends yesterday in a proper pot!
I'm ready for preschool!