I Love You Card

For Mom's Day, Alex made several special personalized cards. While he was doing that, a certain little girl kept asking for hers by saying "mine!" "mine!" "meee" So he lovingly obliged.     


I love the curls! This made my heart smile. 

Birthday/ Father's Day weekend

this weekend is a celebration of Daddy - his birthday and Father's Day are on the same day! we are so lucky to have a daddy (and husband/ best friend) who is so loving, fun, and responsible. thank you Daddy - we love you very very much. Happy Birthday!




best surprise ever!!

Today Alexander got one of the best surprises ever... an entire hour with a horse! (compliments of Grandma and Grandpa winning the silent auction item at the LPPP fundraiser.) Askja is an 18 year old Icelandic horse and has been with this owner for 13 of those years! She was the most gentle and docile horse we'd ever seen. Alexander had an amazing morning with Askja. He walked her to her grooming station, brushed her hair, cleaned her hooves, helped put on her saddle, walked her to the arena, and rode her several times around the arena.

Thank you so very much Grandma & Grandpa!



Valentine's Day (ahem Week)

This past week we enjoyed celebrating Valentine's Day throughout the entire week! Monday, daddy and Alexander made cute and fun heart animals to give to his secret valentine and teacher at preschool. Tuesday, mommy and Alexander made strawberry cake-pops, which daddy and mommy later decorated, to share with friends. Wednesday, Alex signed his V-day cards for school (with mommy & daddy's help). Mommy also received a special Valentine via "speedy delivery speedy delivery" (mail) from her favorite lil valentine. (Thank you preschool!) Thursday - Valentine's Day - was also daddy's first work day at the preschool! He had the best time with Alex and all the kids helping to make the Tunnel of Love. Alexander loved having daddy there all day, crawling through the tunnel and getting hugs. He also enjoyed his special V-day lunch from his secret Valentine and opening his V-day cards! Afterwards we had fun at the park with our Mom's Club V-Day party. Mommy surprised the boys and made reservations at a restaurant where Alexander behaved like a true gentlemen and we enjoyed a wonderful dinner together.






Happy 2nd Birthday Alexander!

Our lil boy is two years old!! We celebrated Alexito's birthday "building" memories with close friends and family. Although Alexander was trying to "demolish" the stomach flu (his birthday was actually the 3rd day of the illness), he had a great time with his cousins, Rebecca and Dylan, and friends, Evan, Cassidy, Cathy, Jared, Natalie, Gabrielle, Drew, and Helena! The twins (Gabby & Natalie) bested everyone at "Pin the Wheel on the Payloader" and "Boulder." Daddy and Mommy were so thrilled that everyone had a fun time at AAA's Construction Party. Daddy worked hard designing the theme for the party, including screening our special shirts! The birthday cake from French's Cupcake Bakery was wonderful and displayed Daddy's payloader! The best gift, however, was that our lil boy finally felt better (after falling asleep for 3.5 hrs before we were able to sing Happy Birthday) and enjoyed the rest of the evening at home with his grandparents and tios and tias, playing with Rebecca at the condo, and opening his many, many presents.


showered. the third.

It's been a busy week here as we get ready! Last night we finished up our final class, exiting with a certification in CPR and AED (automatic external defibrillator) for adults, kids and infants. It's a great skill to learn and nice to know we're prepared should there be a serious emergency. Most of the people in class were soon to be parents and one couple in particular were about to have their baby any moment - she was in 'prelabor' already - the nurses thought she'd be in the delivery ward by Friday!

This weekend we finish our last big project, replacing the carpet upstairs and installing wood flooring.

And today Dina's office threw us a great shower. Good food and awesome generosity helped fill out most of blueberry's remaining needs. It was awesome and we're grateful for everyone's generosity! You can click the cake to see images from the event.


Gifts for Blueberry, Mommy & Daddy!!

Daddy's struttin' the bag! Thanks to a very generous friend, Blueberry received the cutest and softest sleepwear with little polar bear feet to keep him warm during the winter and we received our diaper bag!!  The diaper bag is even cooler than what we thought, so we're very excited about it.  Thank you very much to Christina and Family!!  There's Daddy modeling the bag and something for Blueberry to look forward to.

Polar Bears for when he's 3 mos!