10 weeks and counting. or there about.
This week was a busy one for Olive. We had a follow up appointment with the ultrasound doctor to make sure everything has developed properly and Olive and mom passed with flying colors. Our little girl weighs a crushing 3lbs 11oz! After that we had our regularly scheduled appointment with the OB. Everything continues normally. And now we're moving to every other week for appointments!
On Sunday, mommy and daddy took a tour of the hospital again to reacquaint ourselves with the place. It was a good visit and helped daddy mentally prepare!
While on the maternity floor we found Alexander's star commemorating his birth.
it's a ...
Here we go again! Today we had our 5 month ultrasound for Olive. We had the same doctor as when we did this with Alexander (née Blueberry) and she was all business again. Seriously, if you're looking for an awesome perinatal diagnostic office, we couldn't recommend this doctor more. She's great. The doctor did the normal prodding and moving of the transducer to get the images we were dying to see and take all the measurements we wanted to know were good. In this case everything about Olive came out perfectly: weight was healthy at 13 ounces (same as her big brother!), head and brain big and smart like we expect, heart pumping strong, spinal cord good, hands, feet and limbs all where they should be and looking good. Olive was photogenic and active giving us great views and showing us her emerging gymnastics mastery.
Then we got this image.
Alexander was right! He's been telling us for a few days now that it would be a girl. And like last time the doctor was very confident this was for sure.
Proud parents of a girl to be went and celebrated after with some fancy pastries... not as manly as last time, but every bit as yummy!
it's a ...
So today we had our 5 month full body scan (the baby’s body, not Dina’s). Last night Dina remarked that she was nervous, and anxious, in a Christmas kind of way - excitedly waiting to find out!
But first, something had to go horribly wrong. A whole circuit in the kitchen decided now was a good time to stop working and consequently, our refrigerator turned off. Thinking quickly, Philip unplugged everything (there was a most awesome sizzling sound coming from the panel, the kind that screams danger is imminent) and left to go pick up Dina and head to the doctor’s office.
The picture above is Dina waiting patiently while we stared at the cool technology around us and pondered why they would even put a Dell inside a medical office. I mean it didn’t even get used (like you’d expect anything else from a Dell).
The doctor came in and quickly got to work. All business and techie (in a medical way) the doctor didn’t quite exude personality, but she clearly knew what she was doing. Waving the magic wand (transducer, the technical term, she told us) we started seeing Blueberry for real.
Of course the kid looked good. I mean who doesn’t look good when rendered in ultrasonic waves?

It’s a boy!
today we had our 5 month full body scan (the baby’s body, not Dina’s). Last night Dina remarked that she was nervous, and anxious, in a Christmas kind of way - excitedly waiting to find out!
Tomorrow we have a big dr’s appointment! We’ll have the full ultrasound scan, which means we’ll find out if it’s going to be a boy or a girl!
In other news, Mom and Blueberry continue to do fine. They both did quite well at the heat and ‘rough’ living this past weekend, while camping.
Just so we’re all clear - there wasn’t a pregnant women drinking a beer in this picture, she’s just holding the bottle for me. Yes, it’s true. I was drinking two beers. When it’s 105 outside, you’d drink two as well! Unless, you’re pregnant, then you drink water or Hawaiian Punch.
Check back tomorrow for the news!
first photos!

We had our first appointment for the kid we’re affectionately calling ‘blueberry’ - since we found out it was about that size. Imagine our surprise when we discovered we were off by about two weeks!
Doctor reported the kid looked awesome as s/he swung their arms and legs wildly about, somewhat like a crazed dancer.
We had our first ultrasound and received the first photos which I’ve posted here.
Next checkup, June 9.
We also received our first baby gifts! Nicky visited us from Arizona bearing gifts from the Fee family. We received three books, Goodnight Moon, Peter Rabbit’s Peekaboo! and Colors.
All of which have been recommended by Connor, a voracious reader whose taste for books is top notch! They were accompanied by our first stuffed animal - a cute lion, ROWR!