tooth watch 2015!
the boy has been complaining about sore teeth. we suspected a lose tooth and tonight if was confirmed! we're expecting the tooth to come out any day now!
I Love You Card
so big
just another Saturday afternoon...
the eggs
some serious art was happening here.
Today was a special day. A milestone for all 4 of us. We went to our local public elementary school and began the process of enrolling Alexander in kindergarten by attending the "round-up" - a short presentation of what the school has to offer and a tour. After watching the PTA video highlights of the activities and special events the school does and visiting each kindergarten classroom, Alex said it looked like a lot fun and seemed excited. However, he was also relieved when we told him that we still had lots of days of preschool left. Of course, I was also reminding myself of the same as I was telling him (and feeling in myself a longing for the innocence, purity, and comfort of preschool). We, as parents, are growing along with our Blueberry and Olive.
big brother
veggie boxes
today, daddy and grandpa made the boxes for our veggie garden and Alex and Sophia helped mix in the compost.
putting some flowers we got from our friends yesterday in a proper pot!