tooth watch 2015!

the boy has been complaining about sore teeth. we suspected a lose tooth and tonight if was confirmed! we're expecting the tooth to come out any day now!

I Love You Card

For Mom's Day, Alex made several special personalized cards. While he was doing that, a certain little girl kept asking for hers by saying "mine!" "mine!" "meee" So he lovingly obliged.     


I love the curls! This made my heart smile. 


Today was a special day.  A milestone for all 4 of us. We went to our local public elementary school and began the process of enrolling Alexander in kindergarten by attending the "round-up" - a short presentation of what the school has to offer and a tour. After watching the PTA video highlights of the activities and special events the school does and visiting each kindergarten classroom, Alex said it looked like a lot fun and seemed excited. However, he was also relieved when we told him that we still had lots of days of preschool left. Of course, I was also reminding myself of the same as I was telling him (and feeling in myself a longing for the innocence, purity, and comfort of preschool).  We, as parents, are growing along with our Blueberry and Olive.