Birthday/ Father's Day weekend

this weekend is a celebration of Daddy - his birthday and Father's Day are on the same day! we are so lucky to have a daddy (and husband/ best friend) who is so loving, fun, and responsible. thank you Daddy - we love you very very much. Happy Birthday!




ECD 2013

This weekend we went to the annual Early California Days carnival at St. John Vianney. The kids had fun on the rides and in Kiddieland (thank you Grandpa!), daddy won 2 glasses at his favorite coin toss game and Abuelita and Grandma Aguilar tried their luck at bingo.




best surprise ever!!

Today Alexander got one of the best surprises ever... an entire hour with a horse! (compliments of Grandma and Grandpa winning the silent auction item at the LPPP fundraiser.) Askja is an 18 year old Icelandic horse and has been with this owner for 13 of those years! She was the most gentle and docile horse we'd ever seen. Alexander had an amazing morning with Askja. He walked her to her grooming station, brushed her hair, cleaned her hooves, helped put on her saddle, walked her to the arena, and rode her several times around the arena.

Thank you so very much Grandma & Grandpa!

