Turkey Trot-a-Thon!

Dear Friends and Family,  I am participating in Cielo Vista's Turkey Trot-a-Thon! It's my school's biggest fundraiser of the year.  

I have my own webpage to help me collect donations. All you have to do is click on the green "Make A Donation" button on the right side or bottom of my page (follow the turkey)!   

I pledge to walk, jog, run, or maybe even TROT, around the designated course for the allotted 15 minutes. Will you pledge your support to me and my school? With your help, we can meet our goal to raise $15,000 to fund our Meet The Masters Program, Family Fun Nights, School Assemblies, Classroom Supplies and more!

Please pledge on or before Thursday, October 29, 2015. 

Thank you for your donation. I really appreciate your support!



Phoenix Children's Museum

We had a wonderful time at the Children's Museum in Phoenix on our last visit. Although pretend playing was fun, the kids especially enjoyed the crafts room where they made robots (Alex named his "Joe") and watercolor paintings with glittery paint. It's the first time Sophia used the scissors!             

Great Arizona Puppet Theater

For our recent visit to Arizona, we went to a neat puppet theater to visit to see a production of "Baby Bear Goes to School."  It featured Baby Bear with his mom and dad, his teacher Ms. Heron, and classmates, Trina Skunk and Oscar Otter! We had fun making puppets before and after the show and singing songs before the show and meeting the puppeteers after the show. Alex and Sophia enjoyed it so much, we'll definitely need to return.   
